International economic cooperation

An important component of the international cooperation structure is the participation of NCCIR in the negotiation process for the establishment of free trade zones, the activities of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and intergovernmental commissions on economic cooperation in telecommunications and postal services.

In particular, the NCCIR experts participate in:

  • elaboration of the issues of forming the official negotiating position of Ukraine within the framework of the WTO working groups on the consideration of applications for accession to the WTO that are not members of the organization, issues on a view for developing a consolidated position of Ukraine within the framework of WTO activities, etc.
  • elaboration of the issues on formation of the official negotiating position of Ukraine in order to ensure the negotiation process for the creation of free trade zones between Ukraine and other countries and participation in the negotiation process;
  • working out of the issues within the framework of the work of intergovernmental commissions on economic cooperation issues.