EU technical assistance projects

In order to study the best practices and experiences of the EU member states, to bring national legislation closer to acquis communautaire in the sphere of electronic communications, NCCIR has repeatedly used EU technical assistance instruments.

Thus, during 2012-2018 years, NCCIR has been implementing:

  • Twinning project “Supporting Enhancement of the Regulatory and Legal Competence of the National Commission for Communications Regulation of Ukraine regarding Telecommunications Sector Regulation” aimed at further development of effective regulation according to the EU standards, additional strengthening of the NCCIR’s ability to regulate the telecommunications market according to the rules and best practices applied in the independent regulatory authorities of the EU states.
  • TAIEX projects:
  1. Study tour for the purpose of practical familiarization and study of the issues of organization and implementation of the state supervision (control) in the sphere of telecommunications and use of radio frequency resources in the Republic of Poland;
  2. Participation in the International Seminar on the Information Society from the initiative of the European Commission on the occasion of the 20th the anniversary of the implementation of the TAIEX instrument;
  3. Study visit to the Republic of Lithuania for the purpose of familiarization with the experience of the EU countries in the creation, implementation and operation of a system for monitoring the quality of communication services (in particular postal) as a tool for maintaining competitiveness in the field of communications in order to maximize the satisfaction of consumers' needs in new and high-quality services;
  4. Expert mission concerning the topic: “Ensuring the state regulation of allocation and use of the number resource of the international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions (ITU-T E.212) for the provision of Machine-to-Machine communication services (M2M)”;
  5. Expert mission on “The state regulation of the postal service”;
  6. Workshop concerning the topic: “Organization of state policy on state regulation of the quality of communication services in order to maximize the satisfaction of consumers' needs in new and high-quality communications services”;
  7. Workshop on the “Market regulation of postal, courier and cargo transportation services”.

In addition, within the framework of TAIEX projects that took place in Ukraine, NCCIR representatives participated in seminars on a number of topics (“Strengthening the capabilities of cybernetic protection of critical infrastructure”, “State control in the field of information security”), as well as in the activities of the project CyberCrime@EAP III, in particular in the seminar on communication and information exchange between state authorities and Internet service providers in the context of fighting cybercrime and use of electronic evidence.

NCCIR also presents its experience in attracting and implementing international technical assistance projects during international events. In particular, within the framework of the Tenth Annual Regional Conference on Institutional Development held within the framework of the Working Group (Panel) “Public Administration Reform” of the Thematic Platform “Democracy, Good Governance and Stability” of the EU Eastern Partnership Initiative (November 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine), a report on experience in attracting and implementing international technical assistance projects, in particular TAIEX, was presented by the NCCIR representative. In addition, during the report of the event organizers on “Achievements in the attraction of the EU Aid Instrument Twinning and TAIEX over the past 10 years” it was noted that in the telecommunications sector, over the specified period of time, there were four technical assistance projects: three TAIEX instruments and one Twinning project. Three of them were implemented by NCCIR.

In addition to it, the NCCIR experts are actively involved in the implementation of technical assistance projects, beneficiaries of which are other government agencies, in particular, in the sphere of postal communication, technical regulation on the access of radio equipment and telecommunication terminal equipment to the national market, etc.

Twinning Institutional Building Tool

TAIEX technical assistance tool