Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network

Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (hereafter - the EaPeReg) was created within the framework of the thematic platform No. 4 “People-to-people contacts”.

The EaPeReg unites regulatory authorities of electronic communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Macedonia and operates according to the Memorandum of Understanding of the Network, concluded on September 11, 2012 in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova).

The purpose of this regulatory bodies’ network is to provide a forum for the regular exchange of information and experience in the sphere of the electronic communications regulation, to facilitate the approximation of national legislation to the standards of the European Union, to promote the introduction of better regulatory practices, and monitor the development of telecommunications markets.

The network is funded by the European Commission, and participation in its work is open to the regulators of the Eastern Partnership countries and observers of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC).

The main forms of cooperation are plenary meetings, expert working groups meetings and technical seminars.

The EaPeReg has three expert working groups: Broadband and Benchmarking Expert Working Group (BEWG), Spectrum Expert Working Group (SEWG) and Roaming Expert Working Group (REWG).

In the timeframe 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2014, the EaP Electronic Communications Regulators Network benefited from a technical assistance project funded by the EU. Starting January 2015, EaPeReg continued its work by its own efforts regarding the organizational issues and preparation of the content of the documents/benchmarking studies/proposals/positions of the network, being financial supported by EC through EU level programmes (e.g. the European Neighbourhood Instrument East – ENI East).

The Network is currently functioning under the EaP Panel on the Harmonisation of Digital Markets (the HDM Panel") and the new EU4Digital programme implementation initiative.

In 2014, Ukraine (NCCIR) was elected to the position of Chairman of the Network for one year.

In 2016, the NCCIR assumed the position of Chairman of the Roaming Expert Working Group (REWG).

In 2017, Ukraine (NCCIR) has been elected Chair of the Network in 2018.