Results of NCCIR meeting dated November 30, 2021

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” the Commission issued to DISITEL, LLC a license for an additional frequency resource (RF) bandwidth for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Zaporizhzhia Oblast for a period of 5 years.

In connection with the decrease the number of regions NCCIR has refused to INTERNATSIONALNI TELEKOMUNIKATSIYI, LLC seven licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine and declared invalid the reissuing license: two licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) in Odesa Oblast validity on November 13, 2026 and validity on July 10, 2027; a license for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Odesa Oblast validity on June 11, 2027; four licenses for radio link communication (radio link communication of fixed radio service) in Luhansk and Lviv Oblasts validity on December 31, 2025; in 9 regions of Ukraine validity on May 23, 2026; in Nikolaev, Kherson, Kirovograd Oblasts validity on November 10, 2026; in Khmelnytsky, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil Oblasts validity on February 27, 2027.

The Commission extended the validity of five licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine to:

  • OPTIKNET, LLC - two licenses for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) in Poltava Oblast from April 13, 2022 till December 31, 2026; for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Poltava Oblast from April 13, 2022 till April 12, 2027;
  • a sole proprietor Ladovych I.V. - for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Vinnytsa Oblast from April 20, 2022 till April 19, 2027;
  • Broadcasting, Radiocommunications and Television Concern - for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Mykolaiv Oblast from April 28, 2022 till April 27, 2027;
  • TSYKLON, PC - for digital trunking radio (trunking radio) in Odesa Oblast from May 05, 2022 till May 05, 2027.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” according to the applications the Commission cancelled four licenses followed by cancellation of permits of:

  • INTERNATSIONALNI TELEKOMUNIKATSIYI, LLC two licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine: for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) on the territory of Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpattia, Zaporizhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovohrad, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi and Chernihiv Oblasts; for radio link communication (radio link communication of fixed radio service) on the territory of Luhansk and Poltava Oblasts;
  • FARLEP-INVEST, PJSC two licenses for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) on the territory of Luhansk and Poltava Oblasts.

In accordance with the paragraphs 10-12 of the Technical Regulations of Radio Facility and the Regulations on the Procedure and Form of Maintaining the Register of Radio Electronic Facilities and Radiating Circuits that may be applied on the territory of Ukraine in common bands (public radio frequency bands) (the Register of REF* and RC**), the Commission added the information to Section I of the Register of REF and RC about one type of radio facility.

In accordance with the Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” and upon examination of the applications of NAUKOVO-VYROBNYCHE OBIEDNANNIA ROMSAT, LLC concerning the possibility of applying the particular type of REF* and RC** on the territory of Ukraine, and according to the results of technical expertise on issues of electromagnetic compatibility of declared REF type, the Commission declared it impossible to apply on the territory of Ukraine three types of REF.

Taking into account position 3 of addition 2 to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated 30.07.2021 "On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)" to individuals and legal entities subjects to restrictive measures (sanctions), entered into force By Decree of the President of Ukraine of 06.10.2021 № 510/2021, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions", the Law of Ukraine "On Telecommunications", the Commission noted in the Unified State Register of Postal Operators information on the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) to PREMIUM PAKET GMBH AND CO. KG, LLC.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Telecommunications” and the Provisions on the State Regulation of the Numbering Resource of the Public Telecommunications Network of Ukraine according to the operator’s application the Commission deleted of VELTON.TELEKOM, LLC 100,000 numbers and a transit signaling code of SS-7 network in Dnipro with subsequent revocation of permits.

In connection with the re-issuance of the permit for the withdrawn numbering resource used by consumers by the decision of NCCIR the Commission reissued to ANLIMITED TELEKOM, LLC a permit for the use of the numbering resource with a capacity of 6000 numbers in Dnipro.

The Commission issued the following numbering resource for a term of 5 years to:

  • ANLIMITED TELEKOM, LLC a transit signaling code of SS-7 network in Dnipro;
  • HICELL, LLC an international signaling code of SCS-7 network and a transit signaling code of SS-7 network in Kyiv City;
  •  IT SOFTWER SOLUTIONS, LTD 2000 numbers in Kyiv City.

* REF – radio electronic facility

** RC – radiating circuit

More information is in the Ukrainian language