Національна комісія, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері зв`язку та інформатизації

офіційний веб-портал

Results of NCCIR meeting dated November 16, 2021

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” the Commission issued to KOMPANIIA PLANETA-IUH, LLC a license for an additional frequency resource (RF) bandwidth for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in Odesa Oblast for a period of 15 years.

Due to the change of location of the legal entity the Commission re-issued to AMBRELLA S, LLC three licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine in Poltava Oblast for an additional frequency resource (RF) bandwidth for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) validity on February 05, 2023; validity on December 31, 2022; validity on May 29, 2022; a license for radio link communication (radio link communication of fixed radio service) in Poltava Oblast validity on May 24, 2024.

The Commission extended the validity of two licenses to UKRTELEKOM, JSC for the use of RFMC of Ukraine in Kherson Oblast for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) from March 13, 2022 till December 31, 2026 and for radio link communication (radio link communication of fixed radio service from March 28, 2022 till March 27, 2027.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine”, taking into account the letter of Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, State Enterprise NCCIR has revoked to TELERADIOKOMPANIIA KRAIEVYD, LLC 436 permits for REFs* operation. This decision is subject to execution simultaneously with the execution of paragraph 1 of NCCIR decision of 26.10.2021 № 393 on the basis of part six of Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine "On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine".

In accordance with the paragraphs 10-12 of the Technical Regulations of Radio Facility and the Regulations on the Procedure and Form of Maintaining the Register of Radio Electronic Facilities and Radiating Circuits that may be applied in the territory of Ukraine in common bands (public radio frequency bands) (the Register of REF* and RC**), the Commission added the information to Section I of the Register of REF and RC about one type of radio facility.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Postal Communication”, with the Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Register of Postal Telecommunications Operators, on the basis of notification, NCCIR excluded information about MONPAREL, LLC which will provide services for mail receiving, mail processing, transportation and delivery of postal items in the territory of Ukraine except territory recognized as temporarily occupied; international reception, processing and transportation of postal items.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Telecommunications” and the Provisions on the State Regulation of the Numbering Resource of the Public Telecommunications Network of Ukraine, according to the applications the Commission has removed the following numbering resource of:

  • SOFTLINE MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC: 100 numbers and two final destination signaling codes of SS7 network in Kyiv City with further cancellation permits for operation. This item comes into force on 30.11.2021;
  • PROMSPECZVYAZOK, SE: 1300 numbers in Dnipro; 200 numbers in Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

In connection with the re-issuance of the permit for the withdrawn numbering resource used by consumers the Commission reissued two permits for the use of the numbering resource for 5 years to: SOFTLINE MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC – 100 numbers in Kyiv City. This item comes into force on 30.11.2021; PROMSPECZVYAZOK, SE - 1000 numbers in Dnipro; 200 numbers in Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

The Commission issued the following numbering resource for a term of 5 years to:

  • SOFTLINE MOBILE SYSTEMS, LLC two final destination signaling codes of SS7 network in Kyiv City. This item comes into force on 30.11.2021;
  • UKRTELEKOM, JSC – four final destination signaling codes of SS7 network in Lviv Oblast: in the cities of Sambir, Stryy, Brody, Dublyany.

* REF – radio electronic facility

** RC – radiating circuit

More information is in the Ukrainian language