Національна комісія, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері зв`язку та інформатизації

офіційний веб-портал

Results of NCCIR meeting dated November 09, 2021

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine”, in connection with the decrease the number of regions, the Commission reissued to Ukrtelecom JSC a license for the use of RFMC of Ukraine for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in eight oblasts of Ukraine validity on December 04, 2022

In addition, the Commission noted that in accordance with part seven of Article 34 of the Law of Ukraine "On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine" the license is invalid that issued to YULAYINS PE for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) on the territory of Vinnytsa Oblast.

In accordance with the paragraphs 10-12 of the Technical Regulations of Radio Facility and the Regulations on the Procedure and Form of Maintaining the Register of Radio Electronic Facilities and Radiating Circuits that may be applied in the territory of Ukraine in common bands (public radio frequency bands) the Commission provided Kalta Technology Co., Ltd., China, with the manufacturer's registration number.

In accordance with the Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine”, upon examination of the applications of FLIGHT CONTROL, LLC and SAMSUNH ELEKTRONIKS UKRAYINA KOMPANI, LLC concerning the possibility of applying the particular type of REF* and RC** on the territory of Ukraine, and according to the results of technical expertise on issues of electromagnetic compatibility of declared REF type, the Commission identified as possible the use of two declared types of REF on the territory of Ukraine.

* REF – radio electronic facility                                                                           

** RC – radiating circuit

More information is in the Ukrainian language