Національна комісія, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері зв`язку та інформатизації

офіційний веб-портал

Results of NCCIR meeting dated September 28, 2021

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” for the use of RFMC of Ukraine the Commission issued to SPILNE UKRAYINSKO-NIMETSKE PIDPRYIEMSTVO V FORMI TOVARYSTVA Z OBMEZHENOIU VIDPOVIDALNISTIU INFOKOM a license for an additional frequency resource (RF) bandwidth for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast for a term of 5 years.

According to the application of PROFITEL, LLC the Commission extended the validity of a license for the use of RFMC of Ukraine for digital ultra-shortwave radiotelephone (fixed, mobile land and marine radio) in Kyiv Oblast from January 12, 2022 till January 11, 2027

In accordance with Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine”, taking into account the letter of Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies, State Enterprise, NCCIR has revoked to sole proprietor Zharko O.I. 53 permits for REFs* operation in connection with the revocation of a license for the use of RFM of Ukraine. This decision is subject to execution simultaneously with the execution of paragraph 1 of NCCIR decision of 07.09.2021 № 321 on the basis of part six of Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine "On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine".

In accordance with Technical Regulations of Radio Facility and the Regulations on the Procedure and Form of Maintaining the Register of Radio Electronic Facilities and Radiating Circuits that may be applied in the territory of Ukraine in common bands (public radio frequency bands) (the Register of REF and RC**), the Commission added the information to Section I of the Register of REF and RC about one type of radio facility. The Commission provided the manufacturer with ELSYS, LLC a code of the manufacturer's registration number, including such information in Section II of the Register of REF and RC.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Postal Services", Regulations on NCCIR, the Procedure for maintaining a single state register of postal operators, on the basis of notification, NCCIR included to “The Unified State Register of Postal Telecommunications Operators” information about an operator GRUSHINSKY TRANSPORT, LLC which will provide services for mail receiving, mail processing, transportation and delivery of postal items; execution of consumers’ requests on postal transfers, execution of consumers’ requests on banking operations in the territory of Ukraine except the annexed territories; International services for mail receiving, mail processing, from the territory of the European Union and in the territory of EU, namely: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland, France, Croatia Czech Republic, Sweden.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Telecommunications” and with the Provisions on the State Regulation of the Numbering Resource of the Public Telecommunications Network of Ukraine, according to the applications of economic entities NCCIR allocated the following numbering resource for a term of 5 years:

  • UKRTELECOM, JSC - two final destination signaling codes of SS7 network in Lityn township, Vinnytsia Oblast and in the village of Velyka Bilozerka, Zaporizhzhia Oblast;
  • ENERDZHI TELEKOM, LLC - 100 numbers in Dnipro City and 100 numbers in Kharkiv.

* REF – radio electronic facility

** RC – radiating circuit

More information is in the Ukrainian language