Національна комісія, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері зв`язку та інформатизації

офіційний веб-портал

Results of NCCIR meeting dated September 21, 2021

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine” for the use of RFMC of Ukraine and in connection with a change of location of the legal entity the Commission reissued to NORMATEK, INK., LLC a license for the use of RFMC of Ukraine and declared invalid the reissuing license for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) in the 27 regions of Ukraine validity on March 18, 2024.

NCCIR extended the validity of three licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine:

  • for the use of RFMC of Ukraine for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal) in Odesa Oblast to: a sole proprietor Buhor O.P. from January 23, 2022 till December 31, 2026; NAUKOVO-VYROBNYCHE PIDPRYIEMSTVO TENET, LLC from January 19, 2022 till December 31, 2026;
  • for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) to a sole proprietor Kolomiyichuk I.O. in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast from February 21, 2022 till February 20, 2027.

In connection with non-submission of documents confirming the payment for the extension of the license for the use of RFMC of Ukraine, in accordance with the part three of Article 33 of the Law of Ukraine "On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine", the Commission repealed paragraph 1.1 of NCCIR decision of 10.08.2021 № 289 extension of the license for the use of RFMC of Ukraine to a sole proprietor Shelukhin S.D.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine”, according to the applications of licensees NCCIR cancelled three licenses for the use of RFMC of Ukraine with further cancellation permits for operation:

  • for the use of RFMC of Ukraine for broadband radio access (a radio data transmission system using noise-shaped signal): of Uacity, LLC in the territory of Sumy and Chernihiv Oblasts, also of a sole proprietor Tytarenko M.B. in the territory of Kharkiv Oblast;
  • for broadband radio access (radio communication in multichannel distribution systems for the transmission and retransmission of TV image, sound transmission, digital information) of ITMALLS, LLC in the territory of Kyiv.

Upon examination of the application of Natsionalʹnyy Tsentr Upravlinnya Ta Vyprobuvanʹ Kosmichnykh Zasobiv concerning the possibility of applying the particular type of REF* and RC* in the territory of Ukraine, and according to the results of technical expertise on issues of electromagnetic compatibility of declared REF type, the Commission identified as possible the use of one declared type of REF in the territory of Ukraine.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Postal Services", Regulations on NCCIR, the Procedure for maintaining a single state register of postal operators, on the basis of notifications, NCCIR included to “The Unified State Register of Postal Telecommunications Operators” information about two operators: Barazzetti Ivan, which will provide services for mail receiving, mail processing, transportation and delivery of postal items in the territory of Ukraine; VIP INTERNATIONAL, LLC, which will provide services for mail receiving, mail processing, transportation and delivery of postal items; execution of consumers’ requests on postal transfers, execution of consumers’ requests on banking operations in the territory of Ukraine except the annexed territories; International services for mail receiving, mail processing, from the territory of the European Union and in the territory of EU, namely: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland, France, Croatia Czech Republic, Sweden.

* REF – radio electronic facility

** RC – radiating circuit

More information is in the Ukrainian language